Like many people in our modern virtual world I like to use email to keep in touch and stay updated on matters especially regarding work.
However because I am often out and about I use a Blackberry mobile phone to connect with my family and team, those of you with sore thumbs will appreciate why I often abbreviate my messages or in some cases I just end up typing the least amount of characters I can get away with. And this occasionally creates havoc!
My involvement this week with a brilliant Sky Arts programme which I am shortly about to appear on has left my team in hysterics as they read my abbreviated text this morning "A baby will be too small to get percussion inside of the piano so the minimum would be a 6 ft."
I had been discussing the release of my new CD Sound Spirits which I recorded last year at Real World Studios with the Guitarist Jon Hemmersam. The CD is pure improvisation and my input involved getting my head and some of my percussion instruments inside a piano to create pure sounds in an unusual way!
Their perception skills ran amok as they read my email and tried to work out what my message meant. As you can imagine I am not applying some kind of cruelty to oversized babies I was referring to a Baby Grand Piano! I will have to bear their giggles for sometime to come.
I thought I would share this with you in the hope that you would have other anecdotes to tell me and that my team will see I am not alone!!