Friday 13 September 2013

Deeply honoured

Every so often I am deeply moved to receive the most poignant and beautiful comments from friends, colleagues and supporters. The below composed by Rachel is one of those and I am honoured and delighted to share it with you.


Embraced by obscure objects of musical desire you are a minuet, 
arms held high ready to dive into the acoustic pool.

Humming bird hands dart over polished deck boards,
head cocked to one side absorbing vibrations.

Flutters of arpeggios cascade down your rib cage, 
drum rolls reverberate through bones to skull.

Hair follicles are antennae to timbre picking up its message, 
breathing in rhythmic pulses through your pores.

Your whole being is a tuning fork of cleft and bass, a resonating
chamber vibrating to the journey of each sound colour.

Rachel Tennant

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